"A Cold War thriller of real
brilliance; John le Carré with a
witty ironic edge that will start you
thinking about the real truth behind
the Kennedy assassination."
- Jack Higgins
"Gabbay serves it all up with
Raymond Chandler-esque dark
humor, a rich sense of place and a
fine feel for the yawning chasm
between those privileged to float
above the exigencies of that dark
time and those who were engulfed
in its horrors
- Forbes
*Powered by relentless pacing and
a story line abounding in
subterfuge, treachery and
subversion, this Ludlumesque
page-turner offers invaluable
historical insights into the turbulent
relationship between America ("the
Great Satan") and Iran.
- Publisher's Weekly
"Not since I picked up The Exorcist
by WP Blatty have I read a book in
one sitting but Access Point kept
me glued to my seat until I reached
the last page in this psychological
thriller.… gripping, suspenseful.
Definitely worth five stars."
- Miramchi Reader

Tom Gabbay
Author and Screenwriter

International Editions